
At LCT we are so thankful for every gift that supporters choose to make. It doesn’t have to be large to make a difference. Whatever you are able to leave will help give children and young people that come to LCT, a life changing experience.

We would love you to consider including the Leavers Coulson Trust (LCT) in your will. Making or amending your will to leave a gift to LCT is one of the kindest gestures you could ever make. It’s easy to arrange with the help of a solicitor, doesn’t have to be complicated and needn’t cost a lot of money.

Since we began, we have provided approximately £100,000 to help some 2,000 children and young people between the ages of 7 and 19 attend residential events. By giving to LCT you can enable our work to continue for future generations, as all of our funding comes from donations.

LCT works in partnership with local churches in their sharing of the gospel, by helping develop the potential of each and every youngster involved. We give thanks to God that we have the opportunity to be involved in this work with children and young people.

It’s great to say thank you to our supporters, so if you do decide to include a gift to LCT in your will, it would be wonderful to hear from you. We can then also keep you up to date with what’s happening at LCT.

If you would like to discuss your legacy gift with us at LCT, please contact us by email at admin@leaverscoulsontrust.org.uk